Tuesday 22 September 2015


Hey Guys…

quick update:

I just posted 2 vids on youtube…the first one is a cover and the second one is me being a noob….lol


~Cover video

~Me being a Noob

hope you guys enjoy and see you later..!

Hectic Day ._. (19.9)

OMG you guys don't even know what a day I had...

hey guyss........

can I just say this again:
 OMG what a day!

-stops writing 


-starts to write again on 22.9

sooooooooo I actually don't remember what happened anymore…
I just know that we went for breakfast with some family , went to a couple of weddings ……..
thats it…I guess

welp, see you guys laterrrr :D

Monday 14 September 2015

Too Busy


so its been awhile since I posted………… judging from the title you guys can guess I was kinda busy these past couple of weeks 

I had a lot of homework to do and with great timing my niece and cousin came…. and that means :

I couldn't study on the weekend just because … well you know…

oh and + I did procrastinate a little hehehe

anyways… I'm trying to film a guitar cover but meh ._.

soooooooooo see you guys later :)

Tuesday 1 September 2015

New Video (⌒▽⌒)


I just wanted to tell you guys I posted a new video on youtube the other day!!

And I wanted you guys to tell me how was it :)

See you laterrrr ( ^∇^)